

Branding is more than just a colorful look.


Branding is both an art and a science. It can engage, excite, and create a lasting impression. Solid branding establishes an emotional attachment between a potential customer and a brand.


Effective branding contributes to your following and connects corporate influencers to it. By getting your potential audience curious, it can engage movement toward your product or company. It also adds character, builds momentum, and makes your business, product, or service recognizable. Branding doesn’t drive traffic alone. It’s simply the hallmark of your brand.


What does branding entail?


Branding is more than just a logo or colors, although they are certainly part of it. It’s your tagline, your “look and feel,” and how you express yourself. Branding is what makes you recognizable. It’s an important part of marketing. It can also build trust.


Consistency is key when it comes to branding. That’s why we give our clients custom branding guidelines to share with their teams. Our guidelines include everything from approved logos and color stories to the signature in employee emails and the feel of your social media.


A company’s brand is its best advertisement.


The way a company brands itself and/or its products reflects their core values. Is your brand more serious or playful? Who is your target customer? Do they understand you and your brand? What are you trying to accomplish, and will it resonate effectively across all disciplines?


The most effective branding campaigns begin with a strategic plan. They’re designed to answer any question your potential customer may have about your business efficacy. We customize our branding campaigns for each client and the market they serve.


Our branding team understands your corporate DNA.


Cornerstone’s brand-building services begin with an analysis of your goals. Next, our team creates a storybook that we review with you. Once approved, we’ll create a full branding campaign—the goal of each piece is to create a lasting bond with your audience. This is the first step towards creating an emotional attachment to your brand…and ultimately, your company.


Launching your branding all at once creates the most impact. In general, it takes a minimum of 18 days for an action to become a habit. Sometimes more. The market needs to view a logo or new brand design at least 7 to 10 times before recognizing it.


Are you ready to take your branding to the next level? We are.